пятница, 13 апреля 2018 г.

Different types of pollution and environmental problems in Armenia

When we talk about environmental issues, different types of pollution, and their consequences, we can distinguish between 8 types of pollutants (air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, noise pollution, radioactive pollution, light pollution, thermal pollution, visual pollution). These are actual today and have different problems in different countries of the world and they try to prevent them and their consequences. What problems does Armenia have? In Armenia it is possible to say that there are almost all, but now I want to talk a bit about more global and serious problems that we have in our country.
Energy is an important resource that every country needs, Armenia is no exception. However, due its geographic location, it can hardly create energy due to its lack of natural resources. However, it does create energy using the Soviet-era nuclear plant, Metzamor Nuclear Power Plant, to create nuclear energy. It is precisely this that is causing many environmental problems due to radioactivity. This environmental issue is the most important because energy is needed in everyday life. Without power a city will not be able to function properly and could cause the deterioration of the country's infrastructure.

One other most important environmental hazard is Lake Sevan because of the great exploitation
it has undergone. Lake Sevan has been suffering from water pollution as well as a decrease in its size over the years (Lake Sevan Case. This greatly impacted the agriculture because "Lake Sevan's water is drained in order to provide the Ararat Valley with irrigation water for farms," (Lake Sevan). And it is also because of this that the Lake's volume decreased. Due to the decrease in the available water and the man-made pollution cause by dumping waste on the lake, the bio-diversity of the lake also started to drop (Lake Sevan Case). More and more the sea population began to decrease. Though this issue is very important many advances, like the regulation of trout and the amount of water used from the lake, have made it possible for the lake to go back on track to its original state, though the lake itself can be pretty dangerous because it's polluted.

Deforestation has proven to be one of the leading environmental problems in Armenia as well because it is causing the reduction of trees in Armenia which can be necessary as fire wood in the winter. The reason why deforestation is growing at an alarming rate is because if the lack of governmental policy to protect the forests and because of the economic profit it gives corporations that benefit from timber financially. Deforestation is very important because it means lack of resources in Armenia and if trees are lost the whole country will not only lose money but a healthy environment where trees are the source of energy.

Armenia has been dealing with many environmental problems that have resulted in the loss of natural resources, life, and energy. Energy alone has proven to be more harmful because it is using nuclear power which could be dangerous for the Armenian population. Lake Sevan has been polluted and as a result has been responsible for bio-diversity to decrease overtime. Through illegal cutting of trees the country has been losing much of its forests and as a result a valuable resource needed in order to protect them during the winter. Yet, what could ultimately end up changing faster, out of necessity, is the way Armenia will be able to make energy without relying much on old sources or energy, like fossil fuels, but rather by solar panel system controlled by a smart grid that could regulate and conserve the amount of energy being used.

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